

By 文揚 Wen-Yang 24 November 2022

關於冥想,也關於聆聽的提醒: ⁡

「如果你沉浸在自己的故事裡,就像住在小公寓,只夠容納你自己,跟你的小床墊。」 ⁡

「一旦你和自己的想法之間有些空間,就像搬進一間大房子裡,有空間能邀請別人來。有些空間容納你,也有空間容納他們,那就是寬闊。」 ⁡

Here are three principles we could at least check out. 我們起碼可以探索三個原則 ⁡

First one, silence 第一,安靜 ⁡

Giving you room to listen. 給你聆聽的空間 ⁡

Second one, stillness. 第二,靜止 ⁡

Giving you room to feel. 給你感受的空間 ⁡

Third one, spaciousness. 第三,寬闊 ⁡

Just giving you room. 給你空間 ⁡

The moment I just accepted where I was, instead of wishing I was somewhere else, 一旦接受自己所在之處而不是希望能在他處 ⁡

everything just got better. 一切就變好了 ⁡

It’s like, for a second, my thoughts weren’t much of anything. 像是剎那間,我的想法都歸零了 ⁡

If you’re caught up in your story, 如果你沉浸在自己的故事裡 ⁡

it’s like living in a tiny apartment with just enough room for you 就像住在小公寓,只夠容納你自己 ⁡

and your little mattress. 跟你的小床墊 ⁡

The moment you get a little space between yourself and your thoughts, 一旦你和自己的想法之間有些空間 ⁡

it’s like moving into a much bigger house. 就像搬進一間大房子裡 ⁡

Then there’s room to invite people in. 有空間能邀請別人來 ⁡

There’s space for you. 有些空間容納你 ⁡

And there’s space for them. 也有空間容納他們 ⁡

That’s spaciousness. 那就是寬闊 ⁡

Basically, we’re talking about psychological space. 基本上,這就是心理空間 ⁡

And a lot of people teach meditation 很多人在教冥想時 ⁡

as if the goal is to treat your mind like an unruly teenager and make it shut up. 像是要教人把腦袋當成不守規矩的青少年,叫它閉嘴 ⁡

It seems more like it’s accepting there’s this infinite swarm of thoughts 接受你有無限量的想法 ⁡

and that by understanding 藉由瞭解 ⁡

that you’re not necessarily as connected to them as you thought, it allows– 你不如想像中跟那些想法連結那麼深,這能 ⁡

Yeah. You don’t have to kind of grasp and dwell on that 你不必緊抓住那個想法 ⁡

as the only solution for continuing to be alive. 把它當作活下去唯一的方法 ⁡

-There’s another option, 有另一種選擇

which is to use the sense-percept to arrive back at the present. 就是用感知到的物體回到當下

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